You hear all the time that the best way to sell is with stories. They’re instantly engaging and people think they’re being entertained, rather than sold to, and their cloak of cynicism is temporarily lowered. But how do you write them? That’s the tricky part. A good place to look for inspiration is forums and […]
Frustrated Fiction Writer? Unleash Your Creative Talents with ‘Mash Stories’
Like many of us in the copywriting trade, my journey towards this profession began in creative writing classes at school. Crafting stories every week was a rare opportunity to cut loose on something I actually enjoyed. If, like me, you still have a fiction itch to scratch, I recommend checking out Mash Stories. They run a […]
Homer Simpson, Donald Trump and Marketers Rattling Cages
To the uninformed, The Simpsons is a kids’ cartoon. To those that know better, it’s been one of the best satirical programmes for decades, shining a mirthy light on what’s ridiculous or plain wrong with modern society. In one episode Homer successfully runs for Sanitation Manager. He do so while ‘rattling cages’, bucking the trend […]
7 Steps to Creating Exceptional Content
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Is Content Marketing a Waste of Time? Marketers are producing more content than ever before. But too often, what’s created is dull, unfocused and fails to get much interest from buyers: – 30 companies scored just 12.8 out of 30 for the engagement value of their content – Forrester Research – More […]
Is Content Marketing a Waste of Time?
Content marketing. The campaign that never ends. Never have marketers pumped out so many blogs, Slideshares, YouTube videos and reports to feed the unfulfilled appetite of buyers. Or so we’re told. The stats may suggest otherwise. According to SiriusDecisions – ‘More than 60% of B2B content ends up in ‘content wasteland‘. In other words, it’s never read. This […]
Frank Kern will kill me if he finds out I’ve told you this
B2B marketers can learn a lot from Frank Kern. The thing is, most marketers in the corporate world have never heard of him. Funny when you consider that the world’s ‘highest paid direct response info marketing copywriter’ has made over $47 million for himself and his clients. What’s more impressive is that no development labs, factories or […]
9 Reasons Your B2B Copywriting Isn’t Converting
Slowly but surely, B2B copywriting is getting better. The message is getting through – you’re not selling to cold corporate entities. You’re selling to people. But occasionally, you still run into B2B copy that has the panache of an instruction manual and a conversion rate that would make a Facebook page cry. So if you’ve […]
Popups Not Working? Create Lead Magnets Instead
Hopefully, last week’s post on the folly of chasing Likes instead of leads had you nodding sagely in agreement. Now that’s out of the way, I’m sure you’d like to know how today’s smart marketers are generating leads like gangbusters? As with many of the best tactics, this one is nothing new. All it involves […]
11 Tools to Power Your Content Marketing Planning in 2015
The first week of January is nearly over and my resolutions to get up earlier and drink less coffee are a distant memory. But I hope you’ll join me in sticking to one resolution this year, and that’s to be one of the smart marketers planning for success in 2015, and not just jettisoning content […]