Add Specifics to Sell More

You’ll often hear that “specifics sell”.

But why?

One simple reason…


Specifics are concrete details you can add to make your claims more believable. 

Specifics show that you know what you’re talking about…

And that you have proof to back it up. 

For example…

Instead of saying “apigenin helps to relieve stressful thoughts at bedtime”, say… 

“Apigenin helps release the happiness hormone serotonin. And with more serotonin, your mind feels calmer, and the risk of cortisol spikes fades away”.

Instead of saying “Dr. Mark Hyman is a best selling author”…

Say “Dr. Mark Hyman has sold over 10 million copies of his books on blood sugar, detoxing and weight loss, some of which are New York Times bestsellers.”

Which of the two sounded more convincing? 

The second version, right? 

So, remember…

Add specific details to make your claims more credible and your copy more likely to convert.

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