It’s now been a few months since Google released its Hummingbird update. While it affected a reported 90 percent of websites, in the main it’s been met with a sigh of relief. Those who’ve been following the rules of diligently posting quality articles feel vindicated, whereas those who’ve blindly chased keywords with thin content of […]
The Truth about SEO Copywriting – It’s about Customers, Not Keywords
There are few professions that can compete with the air of mystery that surrounds SEO. In fact, David Copperfield could learn a thing or two about misdirection and creating mystique from a chat with an SEO consultant. But things are changing. Google’s algorithm is getting ever more sophisticated, and the attempts to game it ever […]
Time to charge for access to your content?
Regular Crucible readers, and anyone who has read my eBook, will be familiar with my sermons on the need to provide informative, useful content in order to build trust and credibility with website visitors. Whilst giving away free content is a great way of making friends, it’s not going to pay any bills and it […]
Why a Recession is Great News for Conversational Marketing
Whilst the storm clouds of an economic downturn are covering most in the business world with gloom, for some marketers it could be a storm with a bright silver lining. With no amount of hastily assembled ROI stats likely to save many marketing budgets from the finance manager’s guillotine, there might not be any glossy […]