Here’s a clever technique for analysing sales letters that came up in the Copy Chief forum (hat tip Stephen Carter): Copy and paste the sales letter into Google Docs (or Word, or whatever). Then in BLOCK CAPITALS write what the copywriter is trying to do in each paragraph. Do this enough times and you start […]
Ever tried the “Columbo close”?
This post is based on Mark Joyner’s presentation “Trump Cards of Persuasion” at Project Persuasion Goes Dark 3.0. Ever tried the “Columbo Close”? This is where you’re reaching the end of your sales letter… your prospect is wavering… and you hit them with “Just one more thing”. A final killer benefit that obliterates their resistance. […]
Can You Sell Without Selling?
The game is up. Turns out copywriters aren’t needed anymore. The days of clever wordplay being effective at tricking people into buying stuff are over. People are just too savvy to fall for the same old mind tricks. There’s a new show in town called ‘attraction marketing’. You can forget about prodding at people’s pain, using exclusivity […]
The Copywriter’s Crucible – Sales letter to B2B marketing agencies
[custom_frame_left][/custom_frame_left]From time to time, I reach out to marketing agencies to tell them about my modern, no nonsense approach to copywriting. This letter was sent to a targeted list of B2B marketing agencies with 11-50 employees: [custom_list style=”list-2″] Highlight my cliché free copywriting style, and how it can increase sales for their clients. Explain what […]