He wasn’t always the world’s most powerful superhero… There was a time when his popularity took a dip. Fans had lost interest. He was too perfect. Too boring. Too stale. Nobody thought he’d ever lose. And so, people stopped wanting to hear about his tales. So you know what the writers did? They created Kryptonite. […]
Give Your Stories a Ticking Clock to Raise the Stakes and Build Momentum
It would be “like killing Tony Soprano.” Series suicide, in other words. No, I’m not talking about the ending of the Sopranos… I’m talking about the show “24”. Because when it was suggested to one of “24’s” writers that they remove the pounding timer… His verdict was they may as well put a bullet through […]
Achieve Telecom Network – Distance learning sales letter
[custom_frame_left] [/custom_frame_left] Achieve Telecom provides distance learning services to large corporations, small businesses, schools, universities, and healthcare organizations across America. Click here to download a PDF of the sales letter They asked us to assist them in putting together a print and email campaign to promote their services to a targeted list of key decision makers […]
Promotional copy for FinanceMalta’s ‘Guide to Doing Business in Malta’ China Edition
[custom_frame_left][/custom_frame_left] FinanceMalta is a business guide aimed at senior decision makers of financial institutions to give them a clearer understanding of Malta’s financial environment and the specialist services it offers. The guide’s producers, CountryProfiler, asked us to write copy for a leaflet that would be sent to Maltese financial institutions to promote the benefits of […]
The Copywriter’s Crucible – Sales letter to B2B marketing agencies
[custom_frame_left][/custom_frame_left]From time to time, I reach out to marketing agencies to tell them about my modern, no nonsense approach to copywriting. This letter was sent to a targeted list of B2B marketing agencies with 11-50 employees: [custom_list style=”list-2″] Highlight my cliché free copywriting style, and how it can increase sales for their clients. Explain what […]