Achieve Telecom provides distance learning services to large corporations, small businesses, schools, universities, and healthcare organizations across America.
Click here to download a PDF of the sales letter
They asked us to assist them in putting together a print and email campaign to promote their services to a targeted list of key decision makers in regional government and public service organisations:
- Introduce the opportunity – distance learning services already used by 3.5 million Americans
- Highlight the problem – slow broadband and dial-up connections
- Promote the solution – Achieve Telecom’s satellite broadband technology and expertise makes them the ideal partner for delivering distance learning into their community
The copy was used in both a leaflet and email campaign that was sent to 1000s of prospects, and helped to generate many new enquiries for Achieve Telecom throughout North America.
Click here to download a PDF of the sales letter
when i started reading i thought it was going to be filled with useless info, but really it turned out to be quite interesting. bravo!