You’ve got to make your promos like Die Hard. Whenever it gets too boring, make something EXPLODE. This could be a “Eureka!” moment in a science lab, with scientists high fiving each other across the room… A heart wrenching confession to a stranger in a burger bar… Or the pivotal moment when your hero is […]
How to Make Science Interesting
In science class at school… All I ever wanted was to see things explode. But mixing sulphuric acid with baking soda only ever happened once in chemistry class. Then it was back to studying the periodic table… And calculating the speed of waves nobody could see. BORING! Well, guess what… Readers feel the same way […]
To sell life insurance, you’ve got to show the coffin
To sell life insurance, you’ve got to show the coffin. And writing health copy can take you to dark places at times. Sometimes you have to write things that make you squirm… I’m talking about laying out in visceral detail why the reader’s life is in danger… Why their health problems are serious… And you […]
9 Lessons from Launching My Own Supplements
Now I’ve finally got one of my sup offers converting at about 1% and with a decent AOV (touch wood)… My imposter syndrome has faded just enough to allow me to pump out this post… (before, no doubt, my next test bombs and it rushes back with a vengeance). None of these insights are going […]
To Write Great Leads Combine the Drama of a Soap Opera with Emotional Loss
“Dr. Lee, how bad is it this time?” “It’s not good, his heart just can’t support his weight.” Near death story leads like this are all the rage in supplements world. And for good reason. “People are bored shitless” (to quote John Carlton)… And opening your sales letter with a dramatic moment can reel in […]
Check out this hybrid Facebook ad funnel – It’s gold
Creating a million dollar selling funnels doesn’t have to be rocket science. It doesn’t have to mean testing 100 different headlines… forcing traffic through 10 different presells… or feeling like you’re herding cats trying to get it profitable. It can be as simple as seeing what’s working for marketing’s elite and re-engineering it. There’s one […]
FTC Compliance Guidelines for Natural Health Supplements – Turn a Minefield into a Trust Tree
From the way Facebook is bashing down on supplement ad campaigns with its banhammer, like a frenzied game of whack-a-mole, it’s clear supplement ads have to be whiter than white to stay alive. No longer can you make unsubstantiated claims or stretch the truth until it snaps. And this applies to the presell pages used […]