If you’re a loooongterm reader, you’ll know that I decided to have a go at launching my own supplements about 2 years ago.
Like all new biz ventures…
I posted excitedly about my big ideas, my tech stack, how I was taking big swings launching three supplements in one go, and then…
So yeah, turns out launching a supplement offer on your own is tough.
First of all I tried “ugly” whiteboard VSLs for YouTube…
Figuring if I hit 0.5% conversions I’d then invest in better production.
But trying to create my own videos + trying to master media buying proved too tough a nut to crack (although one of my 40 min VSLs did manage to consistently get 6% watching to the end… I just couldn’t pull in enough targeted viewers).
Next I tried my hand at creating “hybrid” ecom pages for Facebook.
Again, trying to create these pages myself + trying to master Facebook media buying also proved too many hats for me to wear.
So after spending a pretty penny on traffic, video clips, voice overs and countless hours of my own time…
I didn’t have a lot to show in terms of sales.
I was nowhere close to breaking even, let alone making a profit.
And I went through a black period.
A period of feeling like a hack…
A fraud…
And that I had no business promoting myself as a high conversion copywriter.
But then… like any “moment of crisis”…
My guru arrived!
It all started when I found out about Cody Bramlett’s Supplement Millionaire program (< affiliate link)…
Which takes you step-by-step through launching your own supplement offer…
With a heavy focus on using affiliates to drive traffic from email lists.
Suffice to say, I plonked down the $1k entry fee and started consuming with gusto.
And then something AMAZING happened…
Turns out, I was one of the first few people to sign up.
And Cody was eager to help us early joiners out.
For about 10 weeks he provided us with group mentoring calls at no extra charge.
THIS is when I finally started making progress.
Because on the calls Cody reviewed my pages…
Told me to stop trying to do everything myself and hire a professional graphic designer…
And to stop trying to run traffic from YouTube and Facebook…
When there’s a bunch of folks in the Direct Response Marketing Partners Facebook group…
Just waiting for someone to come along with a fresh, high converting offer to promote to their list.
Long story short…
I’ve been working with Cody for over 6 months now…
And this week I FINALLY got one of my offers to convert to one of Cody’s lists!
And get this…
It’s an ENERGY supplement offer! (the only people I know of who’ve got an energy offer to work are DR heavyweights Dr. Sears and Green Valley)
My energy supplement offer did 2 sales off 200ish clicks…
Giving me a 1% conversion rate (it’s a starting point. I’ve already got plans underway to push it up)…
But the even BETTER news is that those two buyers spent a total of $850 (one of them bought the ENTIRE funnel)…
Giving me an AOV of $425…
And totally smashing Cody’s commission target for that list (I actually DOUBLED the commission they normally expect).
Next stage will be to convert my WordPress sales page into HTML…
Test cutting down the story…
And increase loading speeds on Chrome to get the offer up to 2%.
Then after that I’ll be signing up to TrafficTribe to share my offer with their network of affiliate managers…
And open up the traffic hose, with the aim of hitting 15 sales per day.
So yeah…
Getting my offer working has been a veritable Hero’s journey.
A journey of early bright hopes being dashed…
A black moment of crisis when all seems lost…
And then making that breakthrough that leads to finding the missing piece of the puzzle.
I still have a long way to go.
But this week I took a big leap on my journey…
Towards evolving from copywriter to offer owner…
And being able to share more of my insights on launching a supplement offer with you (which had been my plan all along).