The web copywriter’s market is evolving so fast that rarely a week passes without new opportunities appearing on the horizon. The requirements of business websites are developing all the time. Static brochure style sites are dated, portals of news and information is what’s needed.
It would appear that web marketers are now responding to the millions searching the web for info to assist their buying decision. They have realised that they need to be proactively promoting their client’s services to their online marketplace. There is to be an imminent explosion in ‘Online PR’.
In a recent post I picked up a meme from Tom Chandler on the hesitancy of PR agencies to respond to the changes in their industry. The days of sending out press releases to journalists, in the hope of some brief coverage, are long gone. Now anybody with a PC and internet connection has their own printing press and a potential readership of millions. PR agencies need to move with the times and learn how to speak to the online audience if they want to be heard.
Some smart agencies have now developed ‘Online PR’ strategies to bridge the gap with the offline world.
Here is how one describes their service:
“by identifying our clients’ most influential media, companies, networks, associations or individuals and connecting them directly with their greatest potential advocates to build brand reputation. “
Sounds like part of the ethos of business blogging to me.
Online PR uses all the new tools at your fingertips to push out your message and direct more people back to your website.
Using blogs SEO press releases and RSS is like deep sea fishing with a giant fishing net. Trawling the internet to catch info hungry web users, to pull them back in and convert them into hard cash. Static websites are still stuck in port, motionless, without even a net to catch any fish and a crew likely to go hungry.
Online copywriters have been advocating the use of your news and information as a key marketing tool for some time. This concept is now being adopted enthusiastically in online PR, with agencies listing SEO press releases, expert articles, viral seeding and blogging as the new tools in their marketing arsenal.
The philosophy of business blogging and engaging with your marketplace is finally starting to mature. So, if you’re a freelance copywriter you might want to think about adding ‘Online PR’ to your list of services. I think there will soon be plenty of people wanting to know.
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