Seeing his parents shot dead in front of him wasn’t enough.
He still had to endure years of nightmares and wracking guilt…
He had to train himself to a near superhuman level…
And prowl the mean city streets looking for trouble…
Before he could become one of the world’s most popular superheroes…
Because here’s the thing…
What makes Batman so compelling isn’t the bat suit, the gadgets or the idea of a billionaire recluse fighting crime…
The conflict rumbling beneath Batman’s mask…
And the conflicts he had to overcome before becoming a superhero.
The same applies to the hero in your sales letter.
You want them to face a moment when they HAVE to change or face the risk of death (not necessarily literal death).
You want them to be conflicted, tormented…
Forced to crawl through glass…
And forced to face their fears and flaws head on.
Because the more landmines and bear traps you throw between your hero and their goal…
The more readers will be willing your hero to succeed…
And the more they’ll value the product that gets created at the end.
So don’t hold back when getting visceral about how ashamed your hero feels due to their weight loss failures…
How embarrassed they felt after missing their grandson’s birthday due to memory loss…
Or how jealous they get of their brother in law who “got lucky” buying stocks.
Because it’s the conflict your hero feels inside…
…and the conflict they face on their journey…
That makes them more relatable, human, and captivating for your readers.