15 Punchy Copywriting Tips

  “They were easier to read than ignore” – Victor Schwab If you’re looking for punchy copywriting tips, you’ve landed in the right place. It’s often said that copywriting can’t be too long, just too boring. And let’s face it, marketing and advertising is only tolerated at the best of times. So if your copy […]

Struggling to find work? Here’s how to promote your copywriting services to clients

I think we’re all getting bored of hearing how times are tight and marketing budgets are getting slashed, so I thought I’d offer some tips to on how to pitch copywriting services to clients. Even in brighter times, it’s always been difficult securing funding for a web project’s written element. Businesses often care more about […]

Persuasive Writing 7 – Editing Your Writing

It’s believed that procrastination and writer’s block are caused by the writer’s desire to achieve perfection. The fear of composing an awkward sentence or weak turn of phrase can be so paralysing that many writers simply can’t face the simple act of typing words into their keyboard. But it’s also believed that writer’s block is […]

Persuasive Writing 6 – Using Metaphors to Spark Imagination

“Metaphors have a way of holding the most truth in the least space.” – Orson Scott Card Whether in Homer’s Iliad, Shakespeare’s plays or Rowling’s Harry Potter, fictional writing is packed with metaphors because they’re so effective at stimulating a reader’s imagination. Metaphors are powerful because by transferring the qualities of one object onto another […]

Persuasive Writing 5 – Writing Headlines that Reel in Readers

“On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. It follows that, unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money.” – David Ogilvy You might be a copywriting genius, and composed a sales letter that can sell carpets to Egyptians. But if […]

Persuasive Writing 4 – Structure

In earlier chapters you identified how to appeal to your target audience and compiled a list of your product’s benefits. Now you need to plan how to structure your writing so it leads your reader along a logical path of thought towards taking action. Just like how a seasoned debater or lawyer prepares to argue […]

Welcome to 2009 Crucible Readers

Now the holidays are behind us, I hope you’re as ready as I am to get stuck into 2009 and to take advantage of every opportunity offered by the net for marketing and growing your business. It’s certainly going to be a tough year for many people; I’ve started hearing the ‘d’ word mentioned in […]

Happy Holidays Crucible Readers

I’d imagine you’re too excited about the holidays to concentrate on a persuasive writing lesson this week. So instead I’m going to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you all with your pens ready in a week or so. In the meantime I’ll leave you with this informative video […]

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