The Copywriter's Crucible

The RADIO Framework for Big Idea

Coming up with big ideas is hard.

Particularly knowing if your idea is going to resonate… 

Or repel.

The good news is there’s a five step framework you can follow to find out.

It’s called the RADIO framework (which I learned from financial copywriter Tim Diering on a Copy Chief call).

The RADIO framework gives you five questions to check your big idea against before you put sweat and tears into a 10k word promo: 

R – Relevant – Does the idea relate to something the market suspects, and which they’re just waiting for someone to state openly?

A – Affirmative – Does the idea affirm feelings and emotions the market already has?

D – Dense – Is there enough background information about the idea to fill 5 pages?

I – Intriguing – Is it interesting enough to trigger curiosity?

O – Original – Is it something the market has never heard about before?

If your big idea passes these five tests you could be onto a winner.

If not, it’s back to doing more research to find one that does.

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