In my 80/20 Email Copy review, I cover whether it really can enable you to pump out high converting emails in record time, and be able to charge $100, $200, or even the $1,500 Ian Stanley charges per email.
Ryan Deiss calls his the ‘Invisible Selling Machine’. Andre Chaperone has his ‘Soap Opera Sequence’, while Jeff Walker named his the ‘Sideways Sales Letter’.
What am I talking about?
Email marketing, of course.
Forget social media.
Email continues to be the sales channel with the highest ROI.
And for us natural health copywriters, the upfront cost to launch a campaign is ZERO, allowing us to pocket more of the juicy profits.
All you need to do is create a lead magnet, write an autoresponder sequence, run some ads et Voila! Muchos gold coins in the money vault.
If only life were that simple…
For your email campaign to succeed you need to know:
- How to write subject lines that get above 20% open rate (and that’s being generous compared to what many marketers get).
- How to structure emails so people LOVE reading them and inspire them to take action (hint: you need to offer more than reveal 7 ways to do X).
- How to link the emails together so people read the ENTIRE sequence, and not just dip in and out.
And (most importantly of all)…
How do you SELL stuff without feeling guilty about it..
Without shredding your list…
And without getting flagged for spam and your Mailchimp account shut down faster than lightning strikes the tree?
Well, you could work out how to solve all these money blocking challenges for yourself.
You could commit your own time and money to testing 100s (if not 1,000s) of subject lines, writing and rewriting emails to get the tiniest lift in CTR and going bald wondering why no one is buying.
But these are challenges that stop 99% of copywriters and marketers from making the big bucks. Otherwise we’d all be millionaires, right?
You could gain the subject lines, email templates, sequences and methodology from someone is already earn a six figure salary from email.
Ian Stanley is one of those overnight internet millionaire success stories you admire and envy at the same time.
He went from teaching tennis lessons and earning $10 per email to $1,500 PLUS a potential $5,000 bonus.
Ian typically charges $15,000 for a sequence plus up to $60k in bonuses.
And with his email copywriting chops. in just three years Ian has sold nearly $50,000,000 online and has built multiple companies (one is on track to do six figures per month).
With 80/20 Email Copy, you need never chase clients again
Would you love to be able to stop chasing clients for work?
To stop getting paid per project (or even worse, per hour)?
And be able to earn PASSIVE income, which builds with each autoresponder?
In that case, gaining Ian’s copy skills could be truly life changing for you.
Now, Ian is very generous with his time. He frequently gives webinars and appears on Podcasts to throw some golden nuggets of knowledge for us to scramble to grab and invest into our own businesses.
But can you imagine what one to one coaching with Ian would cost?
Considering how long it takes most of us to write a sales email, $1,500 is a realistic number. And then you’d need at least 20 hours for his mindset to seep into your brain.
Thankfully, there’s no need to pay $30,000 or even $1,500 to gain Ian’s email marketing mastery.
Because there is a way to gain his subject lines, sequences and strategy to bank a salary many of us can only imagine earning in our lifetimes.
Because Ian has created an email copywriting course in which he shared the methods he perfected writing to lists of over one million subscribers.
It’s called 80/20 Email Copy.
It gets this name because after completing the course you should be able to craft money making emails in as little as 20 minutes (and generating 80% of your income, I guess).
These are emails that use his structures and sequences to convert like crazy, and put more silver in your piggy bank with every email you send.
How does 80/20 Email copy work?
Over four weeks Ian will send you a daily email.
This email will share a proven sequence or structure he has used to generate pots of cash. Not only that, you also get an example of a high converting email to copy by hand.
Trust me, if you take one thing from this 80/20 Email Copy review it’s that if you aren’t already copying out winning emails and sales letters by hand than you need to start IMMEDIATELY! (check out Copyhour for a sales handwriting course)
It is the BEST way of developing your copywriting brain from DOING instead of just reading a book and forgetting everything a few weeks later.
By the end of the course you’ll have a complete set of 20 emails you can use to make money, even if you don’t have a list, because Ian explains how to build one for free.
How much does it cost?
Now this might shock some people, but the 80/20 Email Copy course costs just $197 (there is also elite level coaching upgrade for 3 x $197 for aspiring ballers).
If you’re new to copywriting this number may have made you fall off your chair. It’s a lot more than you’d pay for a book from Amazon. But when you reach a certain level then this is par for the course to gain the knowledge of some of the top dogs in our industry.
And when you think about it, $197 is a mere drop in the ocean compared to what your earnings could be with Ian’s methodology locked into your brain. And you could even earn more than highly paid VSL copywriters.
Because after completing the 80/20 Email Copy course you can immediately start charging a minimum of $100 per email. Which means you can make your money back in the first two emails you write.
You can then continue to bump up your rates as you out convert the amateurs, and clients start clamouring for your services.
But soon you may be charging so much you will be unaffordable for most clients anyway. By that stage you could be too busy building six figure businesses from the proven, powerful methodology of 80/20 Email Copy.
You have 48 hours to register
Just one last thing – Ian is shutting his course to new members in 48 hours.
So you have until the end of Sunday to decide whether to give yourself the fast track to email marketing mastery or to keep struggling to find subject lines that get your emails opened and sequences that get stuff SOLD.
So do yourself a favor. Don’t look back on this moment with regret. Be someone who takes action and understands the importance of investing in your skills to advance your career and income:
>>>Find out more about Ian Stanley’s 80/20 Email Copy Course
Earning disclaimer – As you suspected, I’ll earn commission if after reading my 80/20 Email Copy review you sign-up for Ian’s course. I’m not just writing this 80/20 Email Copy review as a favour to Ian.
But what I am doing is presenting you with a course that trains you to craft autoresponder sequences that generate passive income every time you hit sent. You can then fire all your clients, sling your laptop in a backpack and go live next to a beach somewhere to hammer out a few emails between snorkelling trips. You’re welcome.