The Copywriter's Crucible

Check out this hybrid Facebook ad funnel – It’s gold

Creating a million dollar selling funnels doesn’t have to be rocket science.

It doesn’t have to mean testing 100 different headlines… forcing traffic through 10 different presells… or feeling like you’re herding cats trying to get it profitable.

It can be as simple as seeing what’s working for marketing’s elite and re-engineering it.

There’s one monster selling funnel, in particular, that’s been popping all over my social media feeds.

A funnel that suggests advertising supplements on Facebook isn’t just allowed… but is EXTREMELY profitable.

The funnel in question is for Advanced Bionutritionals’ new protein supplement. And it looks to be converting very well indeed.

Let’s breakdown each step to understand why.

1.Hybrid VSL and text ad

It seems like Facebook has relented on its blanket ban on supplement ads.

Which is great news because it means we can start running ads like this beauty.

The text ad follows a classic structure:

  1. State a fact people perceive to be true
  2. Go all contrarian and dispute that fact
  3. Outline the reader’s struggles
  4. How you’ve found a breakthrough new solution
  5. Build intrigue in finding out more about the solution, or provide proof it works
  6. Click the button to find out more.

While the video provides tons of testimonials from real people, builds more intrigue in the solution, how it can work for everyone and then closes with future pacing on the transformation that awaits.

So no big claims.  

Just people talking about their experience and building intrigue in finding out more.

And from here the funnel goes direct to the VSL page, with no need for a pecky presell ‘shield’ that can cut your clickthroughs in half.

2. VSL page

Click here for the original.

Video sales letter structure:

And the magic continues, because after the video finishes it auto switches to this slick order page

3. Order Page

As you can see, it’s packed with proof elements and explanations to reinforce what was mentioned in the video.

Because the checkout page can be one of the BIGGEST leaks in a funnel…

But also one of the easiest to fix.

Simply add lots of proof elemens so it’s convincing enough to convert on its own.

No doubt about it.

If you’re working on a campaign for a supplement, this is an awesome funnel to get inspiration from.

Yes, they have tons of proof and a solid doctor to support their pitch.

Yet you can still adopt the strategy of creating a hybrid Facebook text and video ad that sends people direct to the main sales page.

And avoid losing 50% or more of your clicks on the presell page.

How about you?

Any health funnels you’d like to see me breakdown? 

Comment below and let me know.

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