Different people like to be spoken to in different ways. Some want to know the facts, whilst others are more interested in hearing a story.
So copywriting needs to be pitched to match the attitude and style of your target audience, and resonate with their personality type, if you want it to provoke the right response.
In my last post, I discussed why you need to give your copywriting personality if you want it to build an affinity with your brand and a desire for your products.
To discover which personality to adopt, my tip was to immerse yourself in your target market’s culture: visit their websites and read their magazines to understand how to write in a language that’s fine tuned to their wavelength.
Another tactic used by prominent copywriters, such as Dan Kennedy, is to harness centuries of research into personality types to adjust your copywriting to appeal to their characteristics.
So what are the personality types?
For thousands of years, philosophers, psychologists and behavioural scientists have tried to distil the way people think and behave into personality types. The general consensus is that people fall into one of four categories:
[Summary details provided via Michel Fortin’s post: Does Your Copy Have Personality? – worth a read for more in depth analysis]
– They want to know the bottom line: what results your product will provide, when they can have it and how much does it cost.
– B2B buyers, sales managers and hard nosed business people in general
– Stick to the facts with a pithy pitch, rather than getting creative with your prose
– Facts, statistics and features are what these buyers look for. They want to know how your product works and why it will provide the results you claim, so give them the figures to back up your words.
– Scientists, engineers, technicians, doctors and the systematically minded
– Specs, stats and data. Success stories will be ignored
– Buying decisions are driven by feelings and the desire to buy products that make them feel good abut themselves. How can you help them impress the Jones’?
– designers, teachers, artistic types and the aspirational
– How will your product make them look good? Paint them a picture of what their life could be like if they’d just hand over their credit card
– Compassionate and caring. How can you help them solve a problem? And more importantly, how will your product enable them to help others?
– People who deal with people: consultants, HR, public services etc
– Need assurances, so testimonials and case studies will help, particularly if told in the form of a friendly story
Pigeon holing your target market might seem a simplistic approach to understanding how they think and behave. However, if you try and please everyone then your copy can end up sounding bland and boring.
So it’s worth having a think about whether your target fits into any of these four categories, and then refining your copywriting to compliment their characteristics.